Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mohawk, crazy hick and committment issues...

ok so remember about that girl I told you about that was pushing for a relationship even though we didn't know each other...well ya we been dating 2 months going on our third the 22 or 28th of this month.  The damn girl drives me bonkers.  Shes so hyper and happy and I mean she's really hyper bounces off the walls, I love the fact she's a very happy person but she's over the top with it.  I had considered asking her to live with me but I don't think I have the patience for that.  I'm a very mellow and down to earth type of girl, I don't usually get to excited and don't mind staying in and mostly I don't talk alot.  My girl however talks all the time, when she gets any caffiene she bounces off the damn wall, did I mention she reminds me of a teenage girl when she's like this.  She's on antidepressant medication so she's got one more thing in common with me, psych issues.  I don't forsee our relationship lasting too long because we are so different.  I love her don't get me wrong but I would rather hurt her earlier in our relationship than later when it'll only get harder on both of us, time is on my side.  I guess I'm not a very committed person when it comes to relationships, I'm too wishy washy, besides i'm still quit young and I want to explore everything out there.  She's coming over later this evening and I'm going to sit her down and tell her what's on my mind, be very open and honest...not that this has actually done me any good in the past and trying to be open and honest with a that should be interesting.  I hope she agrees to just be friends for right now.

Ok now the crazy ass hick development.  He had a girl move in with him with 2 children, did I mention moved in with hicks dad..?  They didn't even know each other for christs sake!!! yea...well she brought her kids but lost them because hicks dads house is the house of a hoarder, and she wasn't out there to pick them up because of one last booty call....'yea i'm suppose to pick my kids up, but lets fuck instead, I like that so much more than actually trying to take care of my kids.'  So she lost her kids, crazy hick got a house for them so she could get her kids back and so he could take care of her, one I didn't get cause I knew I'd get fucked over....hey guess what, he did get fucked over, anyways so instead of busting her ass to get her kids back she goes out, parties, does drugs and fucks over crazy ass hick.  This entire time we all were trying to tell him he was in a relationship with her but he said no they weren't they were only fuck buddies...yea...ok...right.  Well when I tried to tell him I'm happy he's in a relationship he tells me no I'm not, I'm waiting for you, you have my heart and I love you and I want to be in a relationship with you...blah blah blah blah... so the bitch pisses hick off and he kicks her out cause she was fucking around his back and doing drugs.  Now a week or 2 later he feels sorry for kicking her out and telling DFS that she was out doing drugs and what not and is trying to get her back cause 'she found a way in my heart and i don't know how she did it...i really care for her.'  Idiot, even though not only did we all tell him he was in a relationship but also that she was bad for him and that in the end she was going to fuck him over....well now he's going back to the state I brought him from, a good idea in my opinion he seemed to have more going for him out there than he does down here, not to mention I really want him to stop confessing his love and pouring out his damn heart to me.  He got so pissed at me when I told him I was talking to women on the internet to explore my options.  Seriously we got into a huge fight over it and he gave me that stare..the stare that was trying to make me back down.  I've got a steal rod for a spine and an ice cold heart and I told him to get his shit and get out, I wasn't interested in dating him right now which is what I told him when he first came to live with me...fucktard.  So anyways, now that I'm off that tangent.  He's giving her 2 weeks to come back to him before he ups and leaves to go back to his state.  Good riddens to bad rubbish, I found out that he hasn't changed in anyway in fact he seems to have gotten worse and now I feel to get rid of my roommate...omg! Thats another blog post...damn I can't wait for him to leave!!

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