Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The breakup...cleaner break than I've ever had...

Well I just broke up with my girlfriend.  To be honest she wasn't mad or at least didn't let on that she was mad.  I could tell she was holding back tears because she didn't want to cry in front of me and to be honest I was about to cry but I held back my tears, she was an awesome girlfriend but I knew that in the long run we would not have lasted and that if we stayed in the relationship long term it would have come to a very messy end and that's not something I had wanted for either of us, because she is a great girl with a fantastic personality, but our personalities in the long run would clash and then our relatonship would be nothing but a smoldering heap.  she would have asked if I'd like to get a place with her and I would have had to reply with I can't.  she did agree to stay friends though which is good, but I'm going to give her time to lick her wounds in peace.  I'm glad this was not a messy break up, I hate those its not good for either person besides I'd much rather keep her as a friend than to lose her as a lover....that line has brought me nothing but heartache in the past.  this post is done.  I need to go lick my self inflicted wounds.

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