Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sorry It's been so long

Hello everyone,
sorry it's been so long, I've been quite busy and I've forgotten all about this blog until I was talking about it with a friend. Since the last crazy guy I've dated I've done much better but find myself still single which I'm perfectly happy with.

I've read through a good portion of these blog posts and realize just how foolish I've been. I no longer date to figure out what is wrong with someone, I don't date someone if I have reservations, I have grown up, a lot. Not to say I haven't had some adventures in the dating world but I've been at least a little bit smarter about it.

Last crazy guy I didn't date was I think about 2 years ago.... Met him through facebook, it came up with some fantastic stories, told me after 2 weeks of talking that he was madly in love with me. Pause here with me for a moment. Men, please don't do this shit. My friend and I investigated him, he tried to start a fight with my best friend and I so in the end he made it really easy for me to walk away. No thank you, any inclination that I have that you are a crazy fuck I'm sprinting away from you. His friends attacked me on facebook...seriously...think that's going to upset me, guilt me...right.... not happening first off my priority is first and foremost myself and my feelings not yours or your "buddies". I don't give a damn anymore.

I refuse to date guys to find out what is wrong with them, it's not happening may have taken me several years to figure this shit out but I've figured it out. I've dated a lot more since then and we will breach these subjects in due course but I need to go work on another project I have in the works.

toodles everyone
~Miss I. Lover <3

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