Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Whiney and S.C.

There was a time when I had hung out with another guy while dating super center kid.  I don't know if it was the first time we started dating or the 2 or even 3rd time.  But I ended up hanging out with that whiney guy and felt so bad about it that I called super center kid to come join us.  Whiney was so jealous that he'd flex is muscles and try to impress me, laying on his wrestlerness, attempting to steal me away from Super center.  I was so tickled pink that some guy would actually try to steal me away from a bf.  Unfortunately for him however I was too dedicated.  This would be the last time I talked to him, poor kid, he was so super sexy, wonder what it would have been like dating a guy with 2 jobs and no money... I've always been curious as to where his money went to.  I wonder how his wrestling careers doing, I hope he's doing great and kicking major ass and getting all the girls.  I wonder if he still thinks about me, cause I sure think about him.  Ah sappyness at its best again.

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