Monday, January 24, 2011

a writer, singer and another writer

During the destruction of the crazy hick relationship I was forging another, a special bond with someone that could actual read and write.  I met him at a coffee shop, during open mic night after I read some of my poetry one nighte, we struck up a converstation, it was love, an attraction I've never felt for another person, not even that crazy guy I had dated.  We kept in contact over the next couple months, talking, writing together, eventually he joined in my escapades at those 24hr diners enjoying coffee with me as we poked each others minds for stories, it was a connection I had been longing to share with another human being  and it was beautiful.  We would get up at open mic nite and sing with one another read our poetry or even short stories, telling each other what could be better about it and what we did right.  One night my friend comes up to me and says 'Paris' just asked me out.  She was so happy, I had to be happy for her but underneath my happiness i was angry, hurt and I felt betrayed, we had such a connection how could he do this to me.  Eventually I got over my feelings and moved on.  Their relationship lasted for a couple months but they ended and Paris came back to me, seeking solace in my arms.  I told him we could only date for 3 months, he said that it could never work between us because he just doesn't feel that way for me anymore in an unsurprised indifference  i told him ok, walked up and got another cup of coffee.  It was not the response he wanted, I could see it within his face, he was expecting me to be crushed, cry and beg for him, I tell you now it wasn't going to happen sure I felt hurt when he told me he wanted to date me then went for one of my friends but I got over it.  But, if you ask me now as to why I told him 3 months I could never tell you.  Later it came out that he was gay, had a bf and never did publish that book like he said he was going to.  All in all I'm glad I was not his last gf. =-)

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