Tuesday, April 19, 2011

double take, an ex-look/sound/smell a-like

So my friend who introduced me to prince charming, had before him introduced me to this guy...who looked, sounded and smelled (wierd I know) like my crazy ass hick ex-bf.  We had met while I was at work, and when I saw him I was paranoid, like did the hick actually get smart, make an alias, keep a job and somehow found a way to get re-introduced himself to me.  I wanted to beat his ass right there, or run either would have sufficed, just for daring to look like him, let alone talk and smell like him.  We went on a second date just to make sure I wasn't just being paranoid, the killer: there personalities were similar too.

So I straight up told the guy 'listen, I'm going to be honest with you, there is no way in hell we're ever gonna date, simply because you remind me of my ex-bf, your height, facial hair, smell, voice, talk etc, everything about you is just like him."
"does he have a shaved head."
"no, but it doesn't matter, I want to rip your face off right here."
"so I'm being punished just because of another assholes actions."
"yea pretty much"
"that sucks"
"but I wanted to honest with you, maybe a bit blunt but at least you know."
"thanks for not beating around the bush, I hate when chicks do that crap"
"I've always been a bit honest for my own good."

then we went our seperate ways, and he still txts me occassionally, usually about to whine about something, but I usually give him advice or something, just not into dating people who remind me of my ex-boyfriend...don't really want to go down that road again ya know, didn't like it the first, second or third time, I highly doubt a fourth time would be very productive...and as I said I knew that would bite me in the ass, but you do what you have to, just be open and honest with a guy and don't beat around the bush, half the time they're not even close to the bush your beating so they aren't going to get a damn word you said.

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