Monday, January 24, 2011

A hick, a teen and snow

back oh so many years ago it was christmas and snow had graced itself upon the earth.  Maybe I should go back a few months to when I first met this person we are going to name him hick.  I met him through my best friend I would give her a nickname but I highly doubt it's appropriate here.  As to when we actually met, I do believe I blocked the events from my mind.  I had gone to his high school graduation where his sexy slender fit body was meeting its end, there we fell in love with each other, later he came to my 8th grade graduation and he was acquanted with my psychotic mother who hated him automatically.   The only reason why I dated him was because his brother was taken and I couldn't have him, my mother hated him and I felt sorry for him.  It was christmas and to this point in time I had spent lots of time with this individual, talking with my best friend I told her I was in love and that I was tired of waiting for him to ask me out.  She told me 'go ask him out', so going outside her room I say 'hey (hick) why don't you ask me out already.'  He asks me out, the last day of my vacation with my friend were, his brother, my friend, hick and I are outside in the snow wrestling and throw each other around.  This was the beginning of 3 very eventful, blissful years...oh wait just eventful.  Thus the beginning of the many more blogs to come.

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